United Arab Emirates Pavilion

Macau Pavilion
July 31, 2015
France Pavilion(C) (Design for Bride Gwan)
July 31, 2015

United Arab Emirates Pavilion

United Arab Emirates Pavilion

194 X 130 cm     ac     2010/8/3

The United Arab Emirates Pavilion is shaped like a huge golden sand dune. Its undulating roof, looking as if it has been shaped by the wind, makes the pavilion shimmer and change colors. Exhibitions illustrate the dreamy landscape — desert comprised of sands in red, gold, and white; the ups and downs of hills; scattered oasis ringed with ancient camel bells, and boats with glimmering sails on the ocean — reminding us of what an important role the natural environment and wild life play in the culture and lifestyle of the UAE people.

This artwork depicts some of the essence of this legendary land: white musslman temples occupying everyday life; primeval tropical desert next to modern
skyscrapers; a father and son holding a hawk; year-round sunlight and clean beaches; merchants on camel back; spice markets; etc. The UAE truly is a unique jewel of prosperity, progress and harmony with nature.